PsycHope Self-Help Podcast

The Body: Is it Your Best Path Through Work Stress?

Jennifer McManus, PhD Episode 31

On this episode, Dr. McManus guides your journey down the Body Path by highlighting key struggles of work stress for this path. The journey concludes by reviewing two stress relief tools that use abilities already within our bodies to comfort and soothe the negative impact work stress can have on us.

To grab your free copy of the Ground to Set Them, Motivate to Get Them workbook just visit 

Your Path Through Work Stress Quiz
Ready to find your best path through work stress? You can find the quiz right here: Take the Quiz.

You can find self-help resources like mindfulness meditations and other stress relief videos on the PsycHope YouTube Channel.

Your feedback is welcome! Feel free to reach out to the show:


The information shared on the PsycHope Self-Help podcast does not constitute professional help nor is it a substitute for professional help. If you think you might benefit from more than self-help, here are some helpful resources:

Find a therapist:

Mental health crisis resources:

  • Suicide Prevention Hotline: call or text 988
  • Crisis text line: text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor for any emotional crisis